Supported media elements across channels

This table shows the supported formats for media items used in bots across all the channels. 

Media type Supported formats WEBCHAT - React Library Facebook Zendesk Azure
Image .bmp
Supported as an independent message

All these elements will be displayed using the Media Template from FB and will include a Share Button, so the elements are easily shareable across FB users.

Unsupported formats will be included as Opengraph elements (read more about that template in the not supported URLs row)
* Media elements > 25 MB
* .SVG files

ZD supports image elements rendered as cards in their Chat widget Azure currently supports only .png, .jpeg and .gif image formats



Audio files will be sent as a message with an attachment

Unsupported formats will be included as Opengraph elements (read more about that template in the not supported URLs row)

* Media elements > 25 MB

ZD doesn't currently support media elements rendered in their widgets Azure doesn't currently support .wav
Video .mp4
OGG (.ogv)

Video URL formats supported: .mp4 and .webm

All these elements will be displayed using the Media Template from FB and will include a Share Button, so the elements are easily shareable across FB users.

Unsupported formats will be included as Opengraph elements (read more about that template in the not supported URLs row)
* Media elements > 25 MB
* Youtube and Vimeo videos will be embedded in Open Graph elements

ZD doesn't currently support media elements rendered in their widgets Azure doesn't currently support .webm, .ogv, Youtube, or Vimeo
No media or unknown format URLs
(Site URLs will belong to this group)
  The url will be rendered as a clickable link which will open a new browser tab

For site URLs, we'll identify if the text message contains a website URL in the backend. If yes, we'll throw the message, and along with it, an OPEN GRAPH template message pointing to the URL found.

Open Graph Element Documentation on FB - Open Graph elements cannot be embedded within a Share button. However, a rich preview will be displayed, on click of which the user will be redirected to the URL.

ZD doesn't currently support media elements rendered in their widgets Site URLs are not currently supported by Azure