Import Modules into the Certainly Platform

It's possible to import Modules via a CSV file to the Certainly Platform.

This can be helpful at the beginning of a project if you have a lot of text to add to the bot at once. Then, you can work directly in the bot-building canvas to edit your Modules, adjust the messages, and more.

You can find the Import Modules functionality in the right sidebar menu. To get the CSV file, you will need to press "Templates". There, you'll be able to download a template to work in, which you can then import into Excel. 

Import Template feature, highlighting the buttons to download the template and upload a CSV file

When you upload the CSV file, you will want to use the DIY Bot so there aren't preexisting Modules. Otherwise, the imported Modules will be added on top of the Modules already present in the bot.

It is also possible to copy and paste Modules across bots.

After you've added your Modules, you're ready to set up your Module Connections and test and refine your bot!